Wild BC salmon is the most politicized creature in Canada, even more than polar bears.
Make no mistake . . . politics and big money flavour what you eat, so choose wisely when you choose seafood.
Canadian wild salmon has become a political pawn in the grand scheme of the Canadian seafood industry.
Wild capture commercial fishing has lost steam and can no longer meet consumer demands. Over the last thirty years Canada also tried open-net pen fish farming in the ocean, and although it was a good effort, it also can’t deliver for a number of reasons – two being environmental and ecological. Open-net pen fish farming hurts our oceans and wild fish species.
The only reasonable solution is to move fish farming out of the ocean and into safer inland environments that won’t harm our oceans or salmon species. Consequently, Land-Based RAS IMTA Aquaponic Fish Farming is now on the cusp of being able to provide the solution that Canada and our world needs in order to meet consumer demand, and as importantly keep our oceans and fish stocks healthy.
It’s not quite there yet, but don’t blink!
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Blessing of the Fleet & of Wild Salmon It’s going to take more than GOD to save fisheries …